Cribbage Io
Checkers Rules
Join the best Cribbage game in the world! Challenge yourself in Ultimate Cribbage, the classic card game. If you already play Canasta, Pinochle, Backgammon, Gin Rummy 500, or Solitaire, then you’ll love this classic card & board game. Learn to play crib “live” in game with great hints. The Game of Cribbage. It's not pretty but it's here. If anyone wants to contribute their expertise to a better board model, feel free. Cribbage has several distinctive features: the cribbage board used for score keeping, the crib, box, or kitty, a separate hand counting for the dealer, two distinct scoring stages (the play and the show), aces low, and a unique scoring system including points for groups of cards that total fifteen. Cribbage multiplayer game. Card game for two players or two pairs; two stages - the play and the show with grouping cards in combinations to score points; online cribbage, free cribbage, play crib online. Cribbage is a classic card game that involves playing cards to create combinations and gain points.
Checkers is a classic board game, dating back to around 3000 BC. It is very simple, but a lot of fun! Checkers is known as Draughts in England and there are multiple variations of it all around the world. The game is played on an 8x8 chequered board, essentially a chess board. Each player starts with 12 pieces, placed on the dark squares of the board closest to them. The objective of the game is to capture all the opponent's pieces by jumping over them.
Pieces can only move diagonally on the dark squares, the light squares of the board are never used. A normal move is moving a piece diagonally forward one square. The initial pieces can only move forward diagonally, not backwards. You cannot move onto a square that is occupied by another piece. However, if an opponent piece is on the square diagonally in front of you and the square behind it is empty then you can (and must!) jump over it diagonally, thereby capturing it. If you land on a square where you can capture another opponent piece you must jump over that piece as well, immediately. One turn can capture many pieces. It is required to jump over pieces whenever you can.
If a piece reaches the end row of the board, on the opponent's side, it becomes a King. Kings can move diagonally forwards and backwards, making them more powerful in jumping over opponent pieces. However, if you jump over a piece to become a King you can not jump backwards over another piece in the same move, you have to wait until the next turn to start moving backwards.
Jumping over opponents is required. However, if you have two possible moves, where one jumps over one opponent and the other jumps over two or more opponents you are not required to take the jump with the most opponents captured, you are just required to take any jump move.
The game can end in four different ways:
- If a player has lost all his pieces he loses.
- If a player can't move at all, all his pieces are blocked, he loses.
- The exact same board state has come up three times without any men captured in between. The game ends in a draw. This is to avoid situation with two pieces left just moving around never being able to capture each other.
- There have been 100 moves (50 for each player) with no piece captured. The game ends in a draw.
RULES is a brand new game designed and developed by the team at, with graphics by Þórir Celin. In the game you play as a robot on a space station. Your objective is to clear out the alien insects that are infesting the station.
To move around, you can either use the arrow keys (or WASD) on the keyboard, or if you're on phone or a touch screen, you can use the directional pad on the right side of the screen. The robot is able to push certain crates around and you have to figure out a way to reach all of the bugs in each level. The basic crates (gray) and the glowing crates (red/green/blue) can be moved so long as there is nothing on top of them. A row of movable crates can be pushed so long as it's unblocked and none of the crates have anything on top of them.
To move around, use the directional pad on the right side of the screen. The robot is able to push certain crates around and you have to figure out a way to reach all of the bugs in each level. The basic crates (gray) and the glowing crates (red/green/blue) can be moved so long as there is nothing on top of them. A row of movable crates can be pushed so long as it's unblocked and none of the crates have anything on top of them.
Special objects
Cribbage Io Classic
- Glowing crates - When two or more glowing crates with matching colors are pushed together so that they're fully touching, they'll disappear.
- Heavy crates - Heavy crates can't be moved at all, even if they're unblocked and don't have anything on them.
- Ladders - When the robot moves onto a ladder, it automatically moves up by one level, allowing it to get on top of crates.
- Teleporters - When the robot moves onto a teleporter, it'll be instantly moved to another teleporter.

Platforms are special crates that can not be pushed but can instead be elevated or lowered by using a switch. A switch can be activated by moving either the robot or a crate onto it. When used, every low platform will instantly elevate and every high platform will lower. Platforms can be used to bridge gaps or to move objects and crates up by one level.
Settings and menus
You can open the game menu by either clicking 'Menu' or pressing Enter. There you can access previous levels, reset the current one, and turn the audio on and off. If you want to reset the level quickly without having to open the menu, you can simply press the 'R' key.
To the left of the board you can open the game's menu (level select and app settings), reset the level and mute the audio.
Cribbage Games Site
And that's it! Now just start moving crates and get those bugs!