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Pretend You're Xyzzy A Cards Against Humanity clone. This webapp is still in development. There will be bugs, but hopefully they won't affect gameplay very much. If this is your first time playing, you may wish to read the changelog and list of known issues. Your computer's IP address will always be logged when you load the game client. Pretend You're Xyzzy. DRAW PICK The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Pretend You're Xyzzy. Waiting for server. The black card for this round is: The white cards played this round are: The previous round was won.

A Cards Against Humanity clone.

Pretend You're Xyzzy Deck Codes

Your computer's IP address will always be logged when you load the game client.It is not tied in any way to your username, except possibly if a server error occurs. Gameplayresults are logged permanently, but without information identifying you.


Recent Changes:

  • 3 September 2018:
    • All chat and fill-in-the-blank cards have been disabled. If you're still out of the loop,here's why.
Pretendyourxyzzy hawkyyYou

Known issues:

Pretendyoure Xyzzy Blank Cards

  • Do not open the game more than once in the same browser. Neither instancewill receive all data from the server, and you will not be able to play. I have an idea on how tofix this, but I haven't had time to do so.
  • This game was extensively tested in Google Chrome.It should work in all recent versions of major browsers, but it may not look 100% as intended. Ifyou find a major issue, pleaseopen a bug on GitHub with ascreenshot and the name and version of the browser you are using, and I'll try to fix it.
  • You may not always see your card in the top area after you play it, but it has been played.Also, sometimes the card will display in the top area but be small. I have no idea why either ofthese happen.
  • If you refresh in the game, an error will pop up in the log briefly before the refreshhappens. It is safe to ignore.
  • You may see an error after joining a game. As the error message states, this is safe toignore. I will figure out a way to make this not show up.
  • Interface elements may not be perfectly sized and positioned immediately after loading thepage if your window is sufficiently small. Resize the window to fix.
  • A player joining the game in progress may have a slightly incorrect representation of thegame state until the next round begins.
  • Reloading the page when the winning card is displayed does not display the winning cardagain.
  • Played cards seem to blank when someone joins or leaves. You may have to refresh the pageto see the cards again if you're the Card Czar.

Current limitations:

  • Support for Black Cards with 'pick' and/or 'draw' annotations is rudimentary. When you playyour cards, it does not group them until the judging starts. Also, when other players play cards,you do not see any progress from them until they have played all 2 or 3 cards, and it only showsa single face-down card for them. I will try to make this look nicer, but it works.
    • Also, you cannot un-do your first (or second) card: Once it's played, it's played.
    • While judging, only one card will be highlighted. It does not matter which card in a groupyou click, the game will figure it out.
    • I know that when you have a lot of players, especially with Pick 2 or Pick 3, it gets veryhard to read, and cards overlap (and underlap) your hand, and are hard to click sometimes.I'll work on this soon. You can resize the window to try to help if you're having problemsfor now.
  • You can't bet Awesome Points to play another card, and I am unsure if I will add this.

Future enhancements:

  • There may be an option to display who played every card.
  • A registration system and long-term statistics tracking may be added at some point.

If the game seems to be in a weird state, refresh the page and it should take you back to whereyou were. It would be helpful to take a screenshot and include it in anew bug on GitHub along witha general description of the problem and the time that it happened (include a time zone please!).


Pretend You're Xyzzy

Pretend You're Xyzzy is a Cards Against Humanity clone, which is available, where you can buy itor download and print it out yourself. It is distributed under aCreative Commons - Attribution -Noncommercial - Share Alike license. This web version is in no way endorsed or sponsored You may download the source code to this version fromGitHub. For full licenseinformation, including information about included libraries, see thefull license information.